
If you intend to enroll your child at Kilbirnie School, we encourage you to let us know early as this helps us with resource planning for the year. 

You will need to complete complete a pre-enrolment form when your child is 4 years old. This includes the Early Childhood Education Participation form, which is a Government requirement for any new entrant into a New Zealand school

School Zone

Kilbirnie School has an enrolment scheme to limit overcrowding at the school and give priority to children living in the enrolment zone.

  • Details of the enrolment scheme and its operation.

  • The school zone website gives you information about school zones for New Zealand schools. You can search by your home address to confirm that you are eligible to enrol at Kilbirnie School.

  • All in-zone students are automatically accepted once all documentation is completed. 

Out of Zone enrolments are opened for 2025

Please contact the school if you are interested in an out of zone enrolment. More information in the document below.

Getting to know the school

Once you have completed a pre-enrolment form and we are aware that you intend to enrol your child at Kilbirnie School, we will provide a number of opportunities for you and your child to get to know our school better.

Meet the Principal

Book an appointment to meet the School Principal, Tony Austin to discuss your child starting at Kilbirnie School and be given a tour of the school.

ERO Report

Read our latest Education Review Office report 

School visits

Before your child starts school our office will make contact with you to arrange three preschool visits. These visits are held on Friday mornings from 9.00am-10.30am in the new entrant class. Parents are invited to stay and observe during the first two visits but are encouraged to leave for the last visit, so new students can begin to socialise and interact with their teacher and classmates.

Hub information meeting

At the start of each year, a Hub information meeting is organised to provide relevant information to parents. Topics include: an introduction to the teaching staff, home/school communication, our C.A.R.E. values, a typical class day and general information about Kilbirnie School.

New Entrants: The Ngake Hub

There are three classes in the Ngake Hub:

• Kiwi with Mrs Patel (Year 0-1)

• Ruru with Molly (Year 1-2)

• Tūī with Juliet (Year 1-2)

The Junior Learning Studio is home to the Ngake Hub. The layout of the building is designed with flexible, innovative learning environments which allow teachers to co-teach, drawing on each other’s strengths. Rooms are equipped with technology that enable a modern teaching practice. All rooms open onto a shared learning space, so there is plenty of opportunity for cross grouping and shared learning to take place within the hub.

Students who begin their schooling from Kindy/preschool start in Mrs Patel’s Homeroom. Students starting school in the first half of the year, up to June 30, begin school as a Year 1, moving into Year 2 the following year. Students who start school during the second half of the year, after July 1, begin as a Year 0. These students move into Year 1 at the start of the following year.

As the roll continues to grow in the New Entrant class, groups of students who are deemed socially, emotionally and academically ready will be transitioned into a Year 1-2 class in consultation with parents.

FAQ about the Ngake Hub

What are the school hours?

What is the process for booking school visits?

What are the stationery requirements?

Your child's first day

How can you prepare your child for school?

When does my child need to wear

a sun hat?

How do students access the toilets

during the day?

What is the routine at lunchtime?

Who should I call if my child is sick or going to be absent?

Will my child get homework in the Ngake Hub?

Is there an after school care programme?

What sports are available for Year 1 and 2 children?