The Board of Trustees is made up of five elected representatives, a staff representative and the principal. Elected representatives are usually parents or whanau of children at the school. At times, the Board may appoint additional representatives to ensure there is a sufficient range of skills and perspectives on the Board.
Board members are community representatives with a governance role and through discussing and approving the school strategic plan and budget and managing school policies, we have a say in the type of school our kids attend, and the types of learning experiences that they have. Responsibility for school management and classroom programmes is delegated to the principal and school staff.
Current board members are listed below, and can be contacted any time. Please contact the office if you would like to get in touch with the Board.
The Education Act (2020) provides that a board's primary objectives are to ensure that:
To ensure that we reflect the views of the community we undertake a survey of the school community in term 4 each year. This is an important way of getting a wide range of views on current topics.
The Board meets twice a term. Members of the community are welcome to attend and observe the meetings, though they are meetings held in public (rather than public meetings). The agenda is set in advance by the presiding member in consultation with the Principal and follows the format below:
Meeting minutes are prepared following each meeting and are kept at school and available on request.
Location | 72 Hamilton Road Hataitai, Wellington
Email |
Phone | 04 939 2311