Ms Rachel France

Nga mihi nui ki a koutou,

Tēnā koutou katoa. Ko Rachel France tōku ingoa. 


I am committed to the Treaty of Waitangi and weave Te Reo through my every day practise.  I teach Te Reo Māori in the classes I work in and provide enrichment programmes throughout the year: Senior and Junior Choirs and Kapa Haka.  

A big part of my job is event management. We often perform throughout the year at local community events.  


In my non-teaching life, I am a performer, so I share my musical and theatrical background with the students to bring their performance skills up to a very high standard.


My personal teaching philosophy is to keep learning fun and my scaffolding for language learning is through Waiata (song) and Nga Kemu (games). I aim to provide a safe learning environment where students can take risks and be confident to “give it a go”.


Nga Mihi Mahana,
